Discover why 72% of companies looking for candidates with Google Certification ?

4 min readJul 19, 2016

Believe it or not, having a Google certification is a very big deal in the online world, because this is basically the way you use in order to obtain the high quality results you want from your business. This is usually the case because the companies are usually focusing on spending less money so instead of working with advertising companies they find people with a Google certification a lot more trustworthy and professional, which is what matters the most in this regard.

Rest assured that there are many other benefits that you can get from your Google certification that you can get in this regard, and here are some of the best things to take into account!

72% of all companies hire advertisers that have a Google certification.

There’s a reason for that, because people that own such a certificate clearly show that they can bring quite a lot of amazing results to the table, and that definitely makes them a lot more worthy and suitable for the experience. Of course, the more time and money they invest the better the results can be, but for a smaller company that is not an option. That’s why a staggering number of companies wants to work with persons that already have a Google certificate, because they can be assured that the person they chose really knows their craft.

Google does a great job in selecting the people that get these certificates, so it’s a really good idea to focus on getting such a certificate if you want to stand out on the market.

Competency enhancement

Maybe the major benefit of a certification is that you get a much better competency and you are better seen in the online world. It can really help you get a stellar outcome all around, and at the end of the day it also enhances the overall productivity that you can deliver. Companies know that and this is the main reason why they want a person with these competency, because in their eyes that’s what delivers the most value so you do need to keep that in mind.

A better way to deal with the competitors

While other companies hire agencies, the company you work will chose you. The idea is that by having a Google certificate you stand out in front of the competitors and this is a great advantage for them, one that definitely stands out and delivers an astounding value all around. The idea is to make sure that you use your craft efficiently because if you don’t then it will be very hard for you to get a great outcome, and the competitors might surpass you. It’s all about making sure that you focus on the user experience and you can bet that the experience will be extraordinary in the end if you use your certification properly.

Better prospects

Of course, once you get a Google certification more and more reputable companies will be at your doorstep. Sure it will take a little while until you get this level of attention but this will definitely happen so keep that in mind as it’s crucial. Of course, investing properly is only a part of the story, you need to make sure that you know the results properly, otherwise the outcome might not be as expected in the end.

Harness the power of Google

Google is a major name in the industry so once you represent them this can really bring you some impressive results. It might take a while in order to get the results you want, but rest assured that the experience will be well worth it in the end.

More knowledge

With the Google certification you have the ability to learn about other tools and master your craft, which can give a massive advantage in the advertising world. There’s no denying that this is a major plus for all working in the industry, as companies are more interesting in exquisite and professional knowledge geared towards results, that’s for sure.

Last but not least, with the Google certification you can go out of your league to impress customers. It’s a great way to generate leads for your services and the results can be really good. Since the certification is not expensive to begin with, you obtain a stellar ROI right off the bat and reconnaissance from major companies in any industry. These are amazing benefits that can bring in front a great way to generate and promote your own business. It all comes down to you if you choose to create a business or offer freelance services, but there’s no denying that having a Google certificate is an amazing boost to your career!




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