As a part of my journey as an entrepreneur I happened to meet an investor a few months ago, who is part of a popular VC Fund based in Bangalore. My objective was to gain some insights and this meeting was organised by a common friend.
The huge enthusiasm I had prior to the meeting faded away pretty quickly within 15 minutes into this meeting with my namesake. He asked some really smart & tough questions,… and you know what.. I didn’t have the answers. I felt terrible saying most of the time 3 words (that I hated so much then) — I don’t know! I came back terribly demotivated from this meeting and remained low for a few weeks. But then, I pulled myself up and said to myself — so what, if I don’t know? I can always learn. That was a new beginning for me.
There is always something you would know and I may not. The inverse of this is also true. So what’s the big deal, as long as I am willing to learn. The one thing that can keep our self-esteem high and our orientation positive is — our willingness to learn and grow ourselves each day. In order to grow it is essential for us to be open to criticism and also be self-critical. At the same time, it is also essential to forgive oneself and allow oneself to take the road to new learning. These are a few essential attributes to grow oneself each day and keep moving forward. I am not preaching through this post, I am merely sharing my learning journey and hoping there could be something for you as a reader to learn therefrom. I have often struggled to forgive myself and I recognize that has been my undoing. I think it is most important for self-critical people to learn to forgive themselves. It is ok to make mistakes, it is ok to be imperfect, it is ok to fail at times and it is perfectly ok to be human; as long as we are willing to learn and improve with each passing day.
Do share your thoughts !
Anand Bhaskar- CEO Planet Ganges